sur Hapag-Lloyd AG (isin : DE000HLAG475)

Hapag-Lloyd Releases Preliminary 2024 Financial Results

Hapag-Lloyd released its preliminary business figures for 2024, indicating slight improvements in both EBITDA and EBIT compared to 2023. The Group reported an EBITDA of USD 5.0 billion (EUR 4.6 billion) and an EBIT of USD 2.8 billion (EUR 2.6 billion), both within the upper range of previous forecasts. Stable average freight rates, consistent with the prior year, contributed to the growth in earnings.

The company experienced a 5% increase in transport volumes, reaching 12.5 million TEU, despite rerouting challenges in the Red Sea region. Revenues climbed to USD 20.7 billion (EUR 19.1 billion), driven by strong demand for container transport. Hapag-Lloyd plans to publish its full audited financial figures on March 20, 2025.

R. E.

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