sur Hannan Metals Ltd. (isin : CA4105841064)
Hannan Metals Receives Exploration Permit for Belen Prospect in Peru
Hannan Metals Limited has announced the receipt of an authorization permit from Peru's Ministry of Mines for its drilling program at the Belen copper-gold project. This step follows the Environmental Impact Statement approval and allows the company to prepare 40 platforms across the 702-hectare site.
The Belen prospect, part of Hannan's Valiente project, features three main targets: Ricardo Herrera, Vista Alegre, and Sortilegio, each with significant geophysical anomalies. The company plans to begin drilling in Q2 2025, pending archaeological and forestry approvals.
The project underscores Hannan's commitment to exploring a new copper-gold belt in Peru. The team continues its work at the Previsto gold find, where sampling has indicated promising gold mineralization.
R. H.
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