sur Hannan Metals Ltd. (isin : CA4105841064)
Hannan Metals Announces Major Gold Discovery in Peru
Hannan Metals Ltd. has announced a significant gold discovery at its Previsto project in Peru. Channel sampling revealed high-grade epithermal gold mineralization, with noteworthy intercepts of 69.1 meters at 2.4 g/t gold, including a 26-meter section at 5.4 g/t. Situated within a 6 km x 6 km epithermal-porphyry cluster, this discovery hints at a potential new mineral district.
The Previsto project covers a broad area, highlighting the possibility of a large-scale mineralized system. Both north-south and east-west channels demonstrated promising assays, remaining open in several directions. This discovery forms part of Hannan's strategic exploration within the 150 km Valiente gold-copper project, with more prospects identified.
Initial findings suggest the epithermal gold style, favorable for large, high-grade deposits, is minimally eroded. The company plans further sampling, geophysical surveys, and drill permitting in 2025 to explore the region's full potential.
R. H.
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