sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)

HaleyTek and BlackBerry QNX Unveil Advanced Cockpit Software Platform

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BlackBerry QNX (EBR:BB).

WATERLOO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 4, 2024 / HaleyTek AB and BlackBerry Limited (NYSE:BB)(TSX:BB) have announced the launch of HaleyTek's Generic Automotive Platform (GAP), a cutting-edge cockpit software platform. GAP optimizes the Android Automotive development environment, reducing time-to-market for advanced infotainment systems.

BlackBerry QNX integrates the QNX Hypervisor for Safety and QNX Sound platform into GAP, providing OEMs with Software Defined Audio (SDA) and VirtIO technologies. SDA enhances audio experiences, cuts manufacturing costs, and offers new subscription revenue through post-sale personalized audio features.

Jan-Erik Larsson, CEO of HaleyTek AB, emphasized the collaboration's role in fostering innovation and efficiency in automotive ecosystems. John Wall, SVP at BlackBerry QNX, highlighted the platform's potential for significant cost savings and new revenue streams for automakers.

HaleyTek and BlackBerry QNX aim to support sustainable innovation and enhance the next generation of cockpit consolidation, improving both ecosystem and consumer experiences.

R. P.

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