sur Hack The Box

Hack The Box Launches Cyber Performance Center to Enhance Cybersecurity Readiness

Hack The Box has introduced a new model, the Cyber Performance Center, aimed at amplifying cybersecurity measures by integrating corporate and cybersecurity goals. This innovative approach addresses the skills and knowledge gap exploited by cybercriminals, enhancing defenses for organizations globally.

The Cyber Performance Center focuses on aligning individual skills, business management practices, and the crucial human element within cybersecurity, fostering an organized approach towards cyber readiness. Unlike traditional training, this model offers a 360º overview of a business's processes and technological investments, tailoring exercises to match organizational goals and cybersecurity requirements.

Addressing the human element, Hack The Box's method prioritizes the development and upskilling of cybersecurity professionals to mitigate burnout and encourage retention. It arrives at a critical time, addressing a global skills shortage in the cybersecurity sector. Through a continuous learning journey, the center aims to fortify cybersecurity strategies, overcoming the gap between cybersecurity and business objectives.

Founder and CEO, Haris Pylarinos, emphasizes the comprehensive nature of cybersecurity readiness, incorporating people, technology, and processes. The Cyber Performance Center is designed to empower individuals and organizations, fostering a culture of security and high performance.

Unique in its approach, Hack The Box's Cyber Performance Center integrates gamified upskilling, workforce development plans, and career path programs. This all-in-one platform aids organizations in recruiting, upskilling, retaining, and monitoring team success, marking a significant evolution in how cybersecurity training and readiness are viewed and implemented.

R. P.

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