sur Gruber Plastic Surgery

Gruber Plastic Surgery Dispels Misconceptions on Awake Surgeries

Dr. Meegan Gruber addresses common myths surrounding safer, less invasive awake surgeries. Awake surgery is gaining traction as a preferred method for cosmetic procedures, offering patients a less invasive alternative.

One misconception is that awake surgery is painful. Contrary to this belief, patients report minimal discomfort. For example, during an awake liposuction, a patient only felt slight pinches until the numbing took effect, experiencing no pain thereafter.

Another myth is that awake surgery is riskier than general anesthesia. On the contrary, it often proves safer, eliminating risks like blood clots and providing faster recovery times. Patients can even see immediate results during the procedure.

It is also believed that those unfit for general anesthesia can't opt for awake surgeries. However, awake surgery provides more flexibility, allowing patients with certain health concerns to still qualify. Comprehensive health evaluations by a certified surgeon are essential to make this determination.

Dr. Gruber combines her Ph.D. in biochemistry with her surgical expertise to develop methods that enhance patient comfort and outcomes. Her clinic, Gruber Plastic Surgery, is recognized for its professionalism and innovative approach to awake surgeries.

R. H.

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