sur Grid Battery Metals Inc. (isin : CA3980841033)

Grid Battery Metals Releases Fall 2024 Drilling Results for Clayton Valley

Grid Battery Metals Inc. reported results from its fall 2024 drilling program at Clayton Valley, Nevada. The program focused on testing lithium concentrations in claystones and brines. The claim block, spanning approximately 2,300 acres, neighbors prominent lithium producers Albemarle and Century Lithium Corp.

The drilling revealed the presence of tuffaceous sediments with significant lithium levels, notably an intercept in hole RCV-04, showing lithium up to 741 ppm. This finding suggests potential for further exploration, particularly in the southern section of the claims.

The company plans additional exploration to assess lithium content and identify potential resource opportunities. This initiative aims to establish a maiden resource calculation and a preliminary economic assessment in line with NI 43-101 standards.

R. E.

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