sur Grande Portage Resources Limited (isin : CA38655P2017)

Grande Portage Resources Begins Baseline Studies for Amalga Gold Project

Grande Portage Resources Ltd. has initiated environmental and cultural baseline studies for its New Amalga Gold Project near Juneau, Alaska. These studies are crucial for minimizing environmental impacts and complying with regulatory requirements. The project aims to be Alaska's next significant gold mine.

Current studies include wetlands delineation by Stantec Consulting, surface water sampling by Cox Environmental, and a cultural resources review by Stephen R. Braund & Associates. Additionally, meteorological studies by Boreal Services and aquatic studies by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game are underway. Each of these efforts supports informed decision-making for future permitting and mine design.

The project plans selective underground mining with offsite ore processing. This approach aims to reduce environmental impact compared to traditional setups.

R. P.

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