sur Optimal Dynamics
Grand Island Express Achieves Record-Breaking Efficiency and Revenue Gains With Optimal Dynamics’ Software
Optimal Dynamics, a leader in Artificial Decision Intelligence for trucking companies, announced the success of their client, Grand Island Express. Within weeks of using Optimal Dynamics' platform, the refrigerated carrier saw significant operational efficiencies and record-breaking results.
Grand Island Express, based in Nebraska and operating in 38 states, faced challenges with managing deliveries on irregular routes. Optimal Dynamics provided a solution by automating load allocation and dispatching decisions. This integration with their LoadMaster TMS system ensured seamless data flow, resulting in swift improvements.
In May, Grand Island Express saw a 5.7% rise in linehaul revenue, a 9.3% increase in load count, and a 13.6% increase in loaded miles. Empty miles reduced from 13.5% to 10.6%. Automation allowed the company to handle more volume with the same staff and drivers, freeing up 80% of fleet managers for high-value tasks.
Daniel Powell, CEO of Optimal Dynamics, praised the transformative power of automation, highlighting the record-breaking performance of Grand Island Express, which achieved an 84% adoption rate and a 13.4% increase in revenue per truck per week within two months.
R. H.
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