sur Invest In Bogota
Gran Fondo de Ciclismo de Bogotá Boosts Local Economy and Tourism
On November 17, Bogotá will host the Gran Fondo de Ciclismo de Bogotá, a major sporting event expected to significantly impact the local economy. The cycling event will inject $3 billion COP into the economy, benefiting 42 local companies, primarily small businesses along the race route.
The event is set to create 2200 temporary jobs and 3050 indirect jobs spanning various sectors, including textiles, marketing, and tourism. Cycla's organizational efforts, led by Egan Bernal and Camilo Reina, involve 50 full-time staff and 1700 logistical support members on the day of the race.
With an influx of 1,750 visitors, including domestic and international athletes, Bogotá's hospitality, gastronomy, and transportation sectors will experience substantial benefits. Estimated total economic impact on Bogotá's economy will surpass $4,7 billion COP, highlighting the significance of large-scale sports events.
R. P.
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