sur Goldflare Exploration Inc. (isin : CA38150E1079)
Goldflare Exploration Launches Drilling Program and Closes Private Placement
Goldflare Exploration Inc. is set to begin a new drilling phase on its Goldfields property near Iamgold's Fayolle pit. The company aims to expand the Goldfields mineralized zone, explore its periphery, and test the Paré target. The drilling will total approximately 2,500 meters across 7 drill holes.
In 2023, significant gold results supported the potential of the area, with highlights including 1.3 g/t gold over 22.8 meters and 113 g/t over 1m. The upcoming efforts will target depth extensions and structural correlations with nearby deposits.
Additionally, Goldflare announced the closure of a flow-through private placement of $73,995.30. This includes 1,345,369 flow-through shares, supporting Canadian Exploration Expenses. A parallel common share placement is underway, aimed at enhancing the company's operations and capital.
R. E.
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