sur Goldflare Exploration Inc. (isin : CA38150E1079)
Goldflare Announces New Private Placement Offering
Goldflare Exploration Inc. has unveiled a new private placement offer targeting eligible investors. Priced at $0.045 per unit, each unit comprises one common share and a warrant enabling the purchase of an additional common share at $0.07 within 12 months post-closing.
The offering intends to raise $504,000, equivalent to 11,200,000 units. The closure is anticipated by February 24, 2025, contingent upon regulatory and TSX Venture Exchange approvals, and the completion of documentation.
Post-closing, the issued securities will be subjected to a minimum holding period of four months plus one day. The raised funds aim to support Goldflare's operational and working capital needs. Previous investment rounds have concluded, as announced earlier this month.
R. H.
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