sur GoldenPeaks Capital Holding Ltd.
GoldenPeaks Capital Embraces Battery Energy Storage in Investment Strategy
GoldenPeaks Capital (GPC) has announced the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) as a key component of its investment strategy. With its initial projects now secured in Poland, GPC aims to expand its presence in the European energy market. The company’s first Capacity Market auction contract in Poland marks a significant milestone, adding 280 MWh of BESS to its portfolio with an investment of €100 million.
In 2025, GPC plans to increase its BESS capacity to 600 MWh, beginning in Poland and gradually extending into other European countries. This strategy follows comprehensive testing of batteries on existing sites. GPC's BESS assets are set to stabilize fluctuations in electricity grids, support the transition from coal and gas, and integrate with existing solar photovoltaic systems.
According to Adriano Agosti, founder and chairman of GPC, Battery Energy Storage Systems are crucial for advancing renewable energy. GPC's dedicated industry professionals and substantial financial resources position the company at the forefront of BESS deployment.
R. H.
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