sur Goldcliff Resource Corp. (isin : CA38076H2000)

Goldcliff Resource Corp. Expands Silver Claims at Ainsworth

Goldcliff Resource Corporation, a multi-asset exploration and development company, has recently expanded its mining territory in the historic Ainsworth silver camp located in British Columbia. George Sanders, President of Goldcliff, announced the acquisition of six additional claims adjacent to their existing 100% owned lands. The new claims specifically target areas near the No 1 limestone unit and the eastern extension of the Nelson batholith.

The acquisition aims to encompass areas around the high-grade Skyline deposit, fostering potential silver exploration. Known for significant silver mineralization, the Ainsworth camp exhibits geological characteristics conducive to the presence of high-grade silver deposits. Goldcliff's strategic expansion underscores its commitment to exploring and potentially developing new silver resources in this historical mining region.

Historical mining activities at Ainsworth primarily occurred between 1890 and 1920, focusing on shallow mining techniques due to the limited drilling technology of the time. Goldcliff’s current strategy points towards probing deeper geological formations that were previously unexplored, hoping to uncover extensive silver deposits. The company plans to further analyze historical data and previous exploration outputs in preparation for a detailed upcoming exploration program.

R. E.

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