sur Goldinvest Consulting GmbH (isin : CA4957801083)

Gold Terra's Bold 3,000-Meter Drill: A Game Changer for Junior Explorers

Gold Terra's CEO, Gerald Panneton, is taking a bold step by drilling a 3,002-meter hole at the historic Con Mine near Yellowknife. This move, unprecedented among junior explorers, aims to define high-grade gold resources. The goal is to identify 2 million ounces of gold and possibly acquire the Con Mine from Newmont, which includes a historical 650,000-ounce resource at 11 g/t gold.

The current efforts already showcase a resource of 542,000 ounces at approximately 8 g/t near surface from past drilling programs. This strategic drilling could significantly impact Gold Terra's portfolio and future prospects in the mining industry.

R. P.

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