sur GGL Resources Corp. (isin : CA36171B3002)

GGL Resources Corp. Updates on Le Champ Copper Porphyry Target

GGL Resources Corp. has provided an update on exploration activities at the Le Champ copper-molybdenum-gold porphyry target, in partnership with Teck American Incorporated. The project, located in Nevada, has seen significant developments since the signing of an option agreement with Teck. A mapping program conducted in October 2024 identified porphyry-style veining and alteration domains. These findings align with the copper-molybdenum soil anomalies and IP chargeability defined in GGL's earlier work.

Approval from the Bureau of Land Management has been obtained for constructing access roads and drill pads, setting the stage for a maiden drill program slated to begin in early Q2, 2025. This advancement underscores the rapid progress under Teck's guidance and targets established by GGL's initial fieldwork. The upcoming drill program aims to explore the newly defined porphyry target areas within the Gold Point Project.

R. E.

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