sur General Atomics

General Atomics Expands Collaborations in Japan in the Nuclear Energy and Rare Earth Elements Sectors

General Atomics, a company operating in defense and various technologies, announces its expansion into Japan through new investments in nuclear energy and rare earth elements. The company, present on five continents through its subsidiaries, is discussing numerous partnership agreements, scheduled to begin in early 2024. These collaborations aim to strengthen General Atomics' existing relationships with the Japanese industry and government agencies.

Dr. Vivek Lall, CEO of General Atomics Global Corporation, emphasizes the company's commitment to developing cutting-edge technologies with its Japanese partners in the fields of maritime security, nuclear energy, and rare earth elements. Kyoto Fusioneering and General Atomics have specifically signed an agreement for the supply of advanced gyrotrons to the DIII-D national fusion facility in the United States.

Japan is currently testing and deploying the SeaGuardian MQ-9B, a long-endurance maritime surveillance aircraft designed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI). This marks a revolution in the global market of remotely piloted aircraft systems with its all-season capabilities and compliance with STANAG-4671 standards.

R. E.

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