sur Southern ITS International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SITS)
Gen7 Health Partners with Majestic Medical on Innovative Wheelchair
Gen7 Health and Majestic Medical LLC have announced a strategic partnership to expand the reach of the Dignity™ AllDay 400 Wheelchair. This collaboration aims to leverage Gen7 Health's management services to introduce the innovative wheelchair to a broader market.
The Dignity™ AllDay 400 is a manual, fixed-frame wheelchair equipped with a lever-controlled drop-seat system. This feature allows users to use a toilet without needing transfers, increasing independence and safety. It may reduce caregiver involvement in settings like long-term care and outpatient facilities.
Gen7 Health is known for fostering healthcare innovation. Managing Partner Dave Szandzik emphasizes their joint commitment to providing groundbreaking solutions. Majestic Medical's CEO Gary Popkes expresses optimism in improving user lives through this partnership.
R. H.
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