sur Southern ITS International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SITS)
Gen7 Health and NueHee Launch Virtual Care Platform Partnership
On November 5, 2024, Gen7 Health and NueHee announced a new partnership aimed at enhancing digital health solutions. Through this agreement, Gen7 Health will provide management services to NueHee, helping to launch its innovative platform focused on nutrition and dietetics within outpatient care.
NueHee is pioneering as a healthtech company, bridging gaps in access to care by integrating nutrition and dietetics services into outpatient ecosystems. The platform works with credentialed dietitians to offer services that aim to improve patient outcomes, especially for chronic diseases influenced by diet.
Gen7 Health is renowned for fostering innovation and supporting healthcare transformation. The collaboration underscores their shared vision of advancing personalized healthcare access. Both companies express enthusiasm for this partnership, anticipating significant improvements in healthcare delivery.
R. P.
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