sur Galloper Gold Corp. (isin : CA3638821015)

Galloper Gold Corp. Closes First Tranche of Private Placement and Expands Glover Island Claims

Galloper Gold Corp. has successfully closed the first tranche of its private placement, issuing 4,000,000 units at $0.05 per unit and raising $200,000. Each unit consists of one common share and a warrant for the purchase of an additional share at $0.075 within 12 months. The funds will support exploration on the Glover Island asset and other corporate needs.

Additionally, Galloper has acquired three new exploration claims on Glover Island, Newfoundland. In return for these claims, the company will issue 300,000 shares to the vendor. This move aims to bolster their exploration footprint in a promising area.

CEO Hratch Jabrayan expressed optimism about the potential growth opportunities on Glover Island, highlighting the company's commitment to long-term shareholder value.

R. P.

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