sur FSD Pharma Inc.
FSD Pharma Announces Strategic Partnership for unbuzzd™ Promotion
FSD Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ:HUGE)(CSE:HUGE)(FRA:0K9A) has officially announced a strategic partnership through its collaboration with Celly Nutrition Corp., regarding their innovative dietary supplement, unbuzzd™. This partnership involves Six+One, a branding and advertising agency known for its creative approach, tasked with enhancing unbuzzd™'s market presence in the U.S. prior to its launch.
unbuzzd™ is specifically formulated to expedite the body’s alcohol metabolism, promote mental alertness, and support overall recovery from alcohol consumption. The product integrates a mix of vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts aimed at maintaining wellness among consumers.
The partnership will focus on brand development tasks including the establishment of a distinctive brand personality, creative visual identity, precise packaging design, and the construction of a comprehensive company website. John Duffy, CEO of Celly Nutrition, highlighted the alignment of this partnership with their strategic vision, emphasizing the innovative approach of Six+One. Eric Rojas, Founder of Six+One, expressed confidence in making unbuzzd™ a recognizable brand and stressed the importance of connecting profoundly with the audience.
R. P.
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