sur Taleology

From Tech to Artistry With Taleology: Emma Sadler's Unique Journey

Emma Sadler, once spotlighted for her career switch to tech, is now pioneering a blend of art and technology with her startup, Taleology. Her venture focuses on creating customized pet portraits and products that embody a mix of her artistic flair and technological expertise. This transition is fueled by her passion for art and animals, a tribute to her father's unrealized dreams of becoming an artist and her cherished rescue dogs, Tommy and Lucy.

Based in New York, Taleology is more than an online art shop. It aims to make art a personal and tangible experience for pet lovers, allowing them to keep a piece of their beloved pets with them at all times. Importantly, it supports local animal shelters in New York City, dedicating a portion of its earnings to the welfare of animals similar to Tommy and Lucy. This initiative underscores Taleology's commitment to the community and animal rescue.

Emma's journey into the world of artistry through her engagement with technology and compassion for animals serves as a beacon of inspiration. It showcases how it's never too late to pursue one's passions and utilize them for a greater good.

R. E.

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