sur Frocket

Frocket Aims to Reduce Corporate Textile Waste with Innovative SaaS

In an effort to combat corporate textile waste, Dallas-based software company Frocket has introduced a new platform designed to streamline the process of collecting accurate shirt sizes for corporate events. This initiative comes in the wake of Earth Day, highlighting the environmental impact of overordering and waste in corporate apparel, particularly during events that promote environmental consciousness.

Frocket's system is designed to prevent the overordering of shirts that often ends up in landfills due to incorrect size guessing. By using Frocket, companies can send direct sizing requests to employees or event participants through email or text, which includes a cut-off date for responses. The platform further ensures accuracy by using AI to estimate any missing sizes after the response deadline, thus significantly reducing the surplus typically ordered "just to be sure."

The software was created by entrepreneur Robert Weinberg, who, after experiencing frequent size mismatches at corporate events himself, saw a need for a more precise system. Weinberg's extensive experience in the promotional products industry and insights gained from attending numerous corporate events where apparel waste was evident led to the development of Frocket. Launched at the PPAI show in Las Vegas in January 2024, Frocket aims to aid not only large corporations but also schools and small organizations in reducing both costs and environmental impact.

R. H.

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