sur Cardea Holding GmbH (isin : DE0006201106)
FRIWO Implements Financial Realignment for Future Growth
FRIWO AG announces a financial restructuring to drive sustainable profitable growth. The company plans to sell its minority stake in an Indian joint venture and parts of its industrial business, expecting significant cash inflow. These transactions aim to reduce debt and improve the equity ratio to over 30%, providing resources for expansion and profitability.
The new structure will focus on five areas: E-Mobility, Medical Solutions, Industrial Applications, Specialized Tools, and Lifestyle Solutions. By broadening its market reach, including Europe and Asia, and enhancing product lines, FRIWO anticipates solid growth with a sustainable EBIT margin over 5%.
Key stakeholders, including UNO MINDA, support these changes, which are set to conclude by mid-2025. The strategic moves are expected to lead to better financial health and potentially dividend payments in the coming years.
R. P.
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