FREY Reports Strong Financial Growth in 2024

FREY, a leading operator of open-air shopping centers, reported significant financial growth in 2024, marked by a 28.1% increase in profit from recurring operations, reaching €107.9 million. The company also saw a 28.8% rise in revenue to €191.3 million, supported by strategic acquisitions and robust operational performance.
FREY's expansion strategy included the acquisition of Retail Outlet Shopping, enhancing its presence in the European outlet sector. This move aligns with the company's vision to become a leader in open-air shopping destinations across Europe. The financial occupancy rate remained high at 97.5%, with a yield of 6.6%.
Financially, FREY secured €550 million in new financing and maintained a solid liquidity position with €521.3 million available. The company's net income group share more than doubled to €40.0 million. The EPRA NAV NTA increased by 3.8% to €1,073.0 million, highlighting stable growth and investor interest.
R. P.
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