Frey Recognized as Retailers' Preferred Landlord for 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action FREY (EPA:FREY).

FREY has once again claimed the top spot as the retailer's preferred landlord in 2024, a distinction it has consistently held since 2018. This year, FREY distinguished itself in five key areas: profitability, development/works, best in trade, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These criteria were evaluated following the MAPIC trade show in a survey conducted by Sites Commerciaux.

The survey allows retailers to anonymously rate landlords from 1 to 5 on factors including CSR, marketing, works, and profitability. Antoine Frey, Chairman and CEO of FREY, highlights the company's dedication and trust built with customers. He emphasizes their commitment to offering quality spaces alongside unique experiences at all their sites, aiming to transform them into destinations alongside their retail partners.

R. E.

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