FREY Moves Forward with Asset Rotation Strategy, Selling €224m in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action FREY (EPA:FREY).

In 2024, FREY achieved property sales totaling €224 million as part of its asset rotation strategy. This approach focuses on enhancing its portfolio by concentrating on large, open-air shopping centers. FREY also capitalized on European market opportunities, notably acquiring Austrian outlet operator ROS and a development project in Malmö, Sweden.

During the first half of the year, FREY secured disposals amounting to €55 million. By December, it had arranged to sell a €169 million portfolio to Batipart Europe, a move that established a long-term partnership. This portfolio includes four retail parks in Arles, Douai, Reims, and Terville, managed under a joint venture where Batipart Europe holds 66.7% and FREY 33.3% ownership.

The transaction offers positive financial impacts, such as assets sold at appraisal values, a lower loan-to-value ratio, and increased investment capacity. It positions FREY to optimize resource allocation and expand its third-party management services.

R. P.

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