sur Fresh Vine Wine (NASDAQ:VINE)
Fresh Vine Wine Achieves NYSE Compliance After Amaze Acquisition

Fresh Vine Wine, Inc. has announced its return to compliance with NYSE American's listing requirements. This follows the company's acquisition of Amaze Software, Inc., which significantly bolstered Fresh Vine's stockholders' equity to around $80 million.
The acquisition added approximately $98 million in goodwill and intangibles, and increased paid-in capital by $78 million. It also led to adjustments in warrant valuations and the elimination of intra-company balances. These changes align Fresh Vine for projected growth and innovation.
Leveraging Amaze's digital commerce platform, Fresh Vine aims to expand its market presence and streamline operations. CEO Michael Pruitt sees this as a pivotal moment for accelerating growth and value creation.
R. H.
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