FOUNTAINE PAJOT announces strong growth for the first half of 2023/24
FOUNTAINE PAJOT recorded a turnover of 164.9 million euros for the first half of the 2023/24 financial year, which represents an increase of 48.2% compared to the same period the previous year. This significant increase reflects an acceleration in production rates and the recent success of catamaran and monohull models.
The group has also strengthened its capabilities in fitting carpentry through the acquisition of activities from Malvaux Industries, thus improving the manufacturing quality of its boat interiors. The geographic distribution of sales shows that 84% of revenues come from exports, with a majority of sales in Europe and North America.
Despite a global slowdown in the nautical sector, FOUNTAINE PAJOT remains optimistic for the year ahead, building on a solid order book and promising product launches, including the Thíra 80 and the D44. The company continues to invest to expand its range and increase its production capacities.
R. P.
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