sur FORTEC Elektronik Aktiengesellschaft (isin : DE0005774103)

FORTEC Group Extends CEO Sandra Maile's Contract

The Supervisory Board at FORTEC Elektronik AG has extended the contract of Sandra Maile, Chair of the Executive Board, ahead of schedule. Maile, who has led FORTEC since 2017, will continue as CEO for five more years starting in 2025.

This unanimous decision highlights the importance of continuity and reliability at the management level. The move comes amidst a period of transformation and external changes, underlining the company's focus on stable leadership.

Christoph Schubert, Chair of the Supervisory Board, emphasized Maile's role in preparing the Group for the future. He noted the strategic significance of the new "STRONG TOGETHER 2030" plan, developed by the management board team, especially during challenging economic times.

FORTEC Elektronik AG, founded in 1984 and based in Germering, Germany, specializes in power supplies, embedded systems, and displays. The company has subsidiaries in Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA.

R. H.

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