Fnac Darty: Information on the Total Number of Voting Rights and Shares - July 2024

Ivry-sur-Seine, France, August 1, 2024 - The company released information on its total number of shares and voting rights in compliance with article L. 233-8 II of the French commercial code and article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
As of July 31, 2024, the total number of shares composing the share capital of Fnac Darty is 27,778,578. This is equivalent to 27,778,578 gross voting rights and 27,113,087 net voting rights, with the latter figure accounting for shares deprived of voting rights.
In line with the company's Articles of Association, stakeholders must notify the company if they acquire or dispose of a percentage of the capital or voting rights equal to or greater than 3%, or any subsequent multiple of 1% above this threshold. The notification must be made via registered letter within the stipulated time frame.
The company decided, as per a resolution from the General Meeting on May 29, 2015, not to grant double voting rights as allowed by the law of March 29, 2014.
R. P.
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