Fnac Darty and Ruby File Offer Document with CONSOB

Ivry-sur-Seine, France — On July 29, 2024, Fnac Darty SA and RUBY Equity Investment S.à.r.l. announced the filing of their offer document with CONSOB. This follows their voluntary public tender and exchange offer for all outstanding ordinary shares of Unieuro S.p.A., not already under their control.
The filing complies with Articles 102 and 106 of the Italian Legislative Decree, marking a significant step in the acquisition process. The document will be published post review by CONSOB, with key details available on the websites of Unieuro and Fnac Darty.
The offer will be conducted exclusively in Italy and will be accessible to all Unieuro shareholders without discrimination. Notably, the offer will not extend to jurisdictions such as the United States, Canada, Japan, or Australia due to regulatory constraints.
This strategic move underscores Fnac Darty's ambition to strengthen its market presence in the European electronics and appliance sector.
R. H.
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