sur FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Ltd. (isin : CA30252U3038)

FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Renews Software Services for Middle East Military Client

FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Ltd., headquartered in Calgary, has announced a multi-year renewal of its contract to offer software services to a military customer in the Middle East. This renewal ensures the continuation of services aimed at enhancing flight operations and maximizing efficiency.

The agreement includes various services for a fleet of 23 C-130 Hercules aircraft, such as FLYHTLogTM for automated flight times, FLYHTFollowTM for global tracking and alerting, and communication services like two-way messaging and satcom voice.

Valued at approximately US$1.9 million, the deal highlights the sustained value of FLYHT's AFIRS solution for military operations. Derek Taylor, VP Strategic Opportunities at FLYHT, expressed honor in extending support to the customer's operational needs.

R. E.

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