sur FLORENTAISE (isin : FR001400GO75)

Florentaise announces significant growth in its turnover

Florentaise, the low-carbon potting soil specialist, has published its turnover for the third quarter of 2023-2024, recording a notable increase. The nine-month cumulative total reached €44.5 million, marking an increase of 14.8% compared to the same period the previous year. This growth is mainly fueled by the expansion of sales in China, following the commissioning of the Fulan1 site, and by the 42% growth in the Bivis activity.

In France, sales of potting soils were stable over the quarter, despite heavy rainfall which had a slight impact on the sector. However, French turnover increased slightly by 1.8% over nine months, demonstrating resilience despite unfavorable weather conditions. Internationally, revenue in China quadrupled in the third quarter, reflecting successful relocations and expansions.

The Bivis business, including rentals and maintenance, continues to grow in line with expectations following the IPO, reinforcing the company's focus on environmentally friendly solutions.

R. H.

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