First Semester 2024 Results for Barbara Bui

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BARBARA  BUI (EPA:BUI).

Barbara Bui's consolidated accounts for the first half of 2024 show a notable progression. Turnover increased by 6%, reaching €5,848K, mainly thanks to the growth of Retail and e-commerce.

The gross margin also improved, from 69.4% to 71.9%. Current operating income stood at -€692,000, up €212,000 compared to 2023. The Group's share of net income remained in deficit but improved, at -€548,000 compared to -€1,139,000 the previous year.

In terms of cash flow, the Group shows €1.2 million, stable compared to June 2023. Financial debts amount to €2.2 million, with a repayment of €0.3 million during the period.

Barbara Bui continues to explore solutions to sustain the business, including through a judicial recovery plan. The Paris Commercial Court has confirmed the continuation of the observation period.

The Half-Year Financial Report is now available online on Barbara Bui’s website and on

R. E.

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