sur Fineqia (isin : CA31788W1023)

Fineqia AG Partners with ETPLink to Enhance ETN Market Efficiency

Fineqia AG, a subsidiary of Fineqia International Inc., has announced a partnership with ETPLink Ltd. The collaboration aims to use ETPLink's distributed ledger technology platform to streamline the primary market processes for exchange-traded notes (ETN). This initiative is poised to improve efficiency and transparency in the creation and redemption workflow of exchange-traded products (ETPs).

ETPLink's platform will be integrated with Fineqia's existing systems to automate operations, providing a seamless experience for stakeholders. This partnership marks a step toward better market liquidity and aligns with Fineqia AG's commitment to transparency and regulatory compliance.

The partnership kicked off with the launch of Fineqia's pioneering ETN product on the Vienna and Stuttgart Stock Exchanges, further solidifying their hold in the digital asset market.

R. E.

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