Financial Results of Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée as of December 31, 2024

Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée presented its financial results for the year 2024, despite a difficult economic context. The regional bank continued its development strategy, highlighting its proximity and usefulness to the territory with its 171 branches and strong digital dynamics. The number of users of the Ma Banque application increased by 40,000, and more than 18,000 new members joined the institution.
Commercial successes in 2024 include the acquisition of 41,500 new customers and the support of 22,000 financing projects, contributing to a growth in credits of +1.8%. Overall collection increased by more than €1 billion. Despite pressures on the interest margin, Net Banking Income is up 3.4%. However, consolidated net income is slightly down by 0.9% to €85.6 million.
Financial fundamentals remain solid, with a strengthening of prudential capital and an overall solvency ratio well above regulatory requirements. In 2025, Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée plans to intensify its support for customers and further engage in sustainability and energy transition initiatives.
R. E.
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