Final Terms for €300 Million Note Issuance by Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens

The Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) has issued €300,000,000 in Notes under its Euro Medium Term Note Programme, reaching a maturity date of 25 May 2050. These Notes, with an interest rate of 0.938% per annum, are governed by the Final Terms dated 25 March 2020.

The Notes are not intended for retail investors in the European Economic Area (EEA), targeting instead eligible counterparties and professional clients as per MIFID II directives. The Notes will be distributed in a dematerialised bearer form, with denominations set at €100,000 each.

The issuance date of the Notes is 27 March 2020, with the first interest payment due on 25 May 2020. The Notes are non-syndicated, with HSBC France acting as the sole dealer. The Issuer has retained a senior status for these Notes, which will be redeemed at par value upon maturity.

R. P.

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