Final Terms for €150M Notes Issued by RATP
The Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) finalizes the terms for the issuance of €150,000,000 Notes under its Euro Medium Term Note Programme. Dated 27 April 2020, these notes are set at a fixed interest rate of 1.070% per annum, maturing on 28 April 2050. The issue price is 100% of the aggregate nominal amount, with an annual interest payment date on 28 April each year, beginning in 2021.
The offering is limited to professional investors and eligible counterparties, in compliance with the MIFID II product governance guidelines. Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank is the sole dealer for the non-syndicated distribution.
The notes are issued in a dematerialized bearer form and are registered under the ISIN code FR0013510054. They are rated AA by Fitch, which signifies high credit quality. The estimated net proceeds from the issuance are approximately €149,550,000.
The terms also provide for early redemption under specific conditions. The final redemption amount is set at €100,000 per note. The notes will be cleared through Euroclear France with delivery against payment.
The documents related to this issuance, including the Base Prospectus and Final Terms, are available for viewing on both the websites of the Autorité des marchés financiers and the issuer, RATP.
R. P.
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