Final Terms 2021 by Crédit Coopératif

Crédit Coopératif announced the issuance of €100,000,000 of 2.875% Notes due 2022. This is the second tranche of Series 27, which will be consolidated with the original €500,000,000 Notes due 2022.

The issue price is set at 97.438% of the aggregate nominal amount, with net proceeds amounting to €97,846,109.59. The Notes will mature on 9 September 2022. Interest is fixed at 2.875% per annum, payable annually.

The issue date is 12 November 2010, with Citigroup Global Markets Limited and HSBC France serving as managers. The Notes will be listed on Euronext Paris, and the estimated expenses for admission to trading are €6,250.

The Notes are issued under the €5,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme of Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens. They are senior, bearer notes with a denomination of €50,000 each.

The yield is estimated at 3.137%, based on the issue price, though this does not guarantee future yields. The Notes are subject to TEFRA D exemption and will be delivered against payment.

R. E.

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