sur FE Battery Metals Corp. (NASDAQ:FEMFF)
FE Battery Metals Reports High Lithium Oxide Yield in Quebec Drilling Project
FE Battery Metals Corp. announced a promising outcome from drill hole LC23-87 at its Augustus Lithium Property in Quebec, Canada. The drilling revealed a lithium oxide concentration of 1.01% over a span of 8 meters at a depth of 107 meters. Alongside lithium, the results noted anomalous concentrations of rare metals like beryllium, cesium, niobium, tantalum, gallium, and rubidium.
The drilling operation, managed by Forage Hebert Inc., reached a total depth of 177 meters and intersected a spodumene-bearing lithium pegmatite. Rigorous quality control measures were in place, including the use of field duplicates and standards. The samples were processed using advanced peroxide fusion techniques at Activation Laboratories, an ISO-certified lab in Ontario.
These significant lithium findings are part of a broader exploration effort at the site where 89 drill holes have been executed, covering 16,607.64 meters. The ongoing explorations aim to extend understanding and potential resource estimates for the property.
R. P.
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