sur FE Battery Metals Corp. (NASDAQ:FEMFF)
FE Battery Metals Corp Launches 2024 Winter Drilling in Quebec
FE Battery Metals Corp. has announced the commencement of its 2024 winter diamond drilling program at the Augustus Lithium Property in Quebec, Canada. The initial phase, operated by Forage Pelletier Ltd., will cover 1,000 to 1,500 meters, with potential extension upon receipt of additional permits.
The drilling aims to expand the August zone's footprint and explore new targets identified near Sayona Mining's North American Lithium Mine through magnetic surveys and prospecting.
The company has also entered an option agreement for the Lac Coulombe property, involving 89 mineral claims. The agreement requires share issuance and exploration expenditures of up to $1.5 million over two years.
Regulatory approvals for share issuance are pending, with a hold period of four months post-issuance. The drilling and exploration efforts are guided by geological consultant Afzaal Pirzada.
R. E.
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