sur FE Battery Metals Corp. (NASDAQ:FEMFF)

FE Battery Metals Corp. Concludes First Tranche of Private Placement

FE Battery Metals Corp. has announced the closure of the first tranche of its previously disclosed non-brokered private placement, dated October 11, 2024. The company has successfully gathered $700,000 through the issuance of 8,750,000 flow-through common shares at $0.08 per share. Correspondingly, a 6% finders' fee, amounting to $42,000, will be paid.

The private placement's final closing requires pertinent approvals, including from the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). Issued securities will be under a statutory hold period of four months plus one day, aligning with securities legislation.

Funds from this placement will support working capital and exploration efforts in Quebec.

R. H.

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