sur Faster (isin : CA30054L1058)
Faster Announces Board Changes and Equity Financing Amid Reverse Takeover Plans
Faster, officially known as 2757953 Ontario Inc., has provided an update on its proposed reverse takeover transaction with Evolution Global Frontier Ventures Corp. The transaction will involve a reorganization and business combination resulting in Faster's shareholders overtaking EGFV. This move aims to establish a new entity specializing in payment technology with quicker settlement times, including on weekends and holidays.
In anticipation of the transaction, Faster has implemented significant management changes. Former CEO Ms. Andra Enescu has resigned, and Mr. Justin Reynolds, with substantial business experience, has been appointed CEO and director. Faster's board welcomes Mr. Reynolds to drive future growth.
Additionally, Faster has initiated an equity financing round, aiming to raise $1.5 million. This financing will aid working capital, general corporate purposes, and customer acquisition for the impending transaction.
R. P.
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