sur Faraday Copper Corp. (isin : CA2176212009)

Faraday Copper Reports Promising Drill Results at Copper Creek Project

Faraday Copper Corp. announced significant findings from its Phase III drill program at the Copper Creek Project in Arizona. Notably, a drill hole in the Rum area intersected 57.73 meters of 0.85% copper, including 23.25 meters at 1.58% copper, indicating strong near-surface mineralization. This new data is located 700 meters north of the existing resource.

In the American Eagle area, further exploration reported 24.20 meters at 0.45% copper and 1.51 grams per tonne of silver from 176.36 meters depth. These findings continue to demonstrate the potential for additional near-surface copper deposits at the site, highlighting Faraday's strategic focus on these areas.

Current efforts involve ongoing drilling to test new targets and enhance the resource estimate in 2025, representing a significant opportunity for project value enhancement. Additional drill results will be disclosed as analysis progresses, reinforcing Faraday's commitment to capitalizing on its exploration efforts.

R. H.

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