sur OneMain Financial

Exploring Pool Financing Options for Homeowners

The cost of installing a new swimming pool can be a significant investment, ranging between $3,500 to $66,500 depending on the type. As most homeowners do not have such amounts readily available, finding appropriate financing becomes essential. Among the common methods are home equity loans, Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs), cash-out mortgage refinancing, and getting a pool loan.

Home equity loans and HELOCs leverage a homeowner's equity in their property to secure funds, with the home serving as collateral. While a home equity loan provides a lump sum, a HELOC offers flexible access to funds. Cash-out mortgage refinancing, on the other hand, replaces the homeowner’s current mortgage with a larger one, cashing out the difference for the homeowner. Finally, for those preferring not to use their home as collateral, personal loans, secured or unsecured, present an alternative, often with competitive rates compared to credit cards.

Each financing option has its benefits and considerations, and homeowners should evaluate their financial situation and preferences before choosing. This approach ensures selecting the financing solution that best aligns with their needs and goals for installing a swimming pool.

R. E.

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