sur ASTA-USA Translation Services, Inc.
Expanding E-Commerce through Translation: Insights from ASTA-USA
ASTA-USA Translation Services, Inc. emphasizes the importance of offering e-commerce content in consumers' native languages to enhance brand visibility, sales, and profitability. With a focus on addressing the global e-commerce boom, ASTA-USA advises U.S. businesses on the benefits of extending their market reach beyond English-speaking demographics.
The company, which provides translation services in 70 languages through its extensive network of translators, highlights that consumer preference heavily leans towards shopping in one's own language. According to a survey by CSA Research, a significant majority of online shoppers prefer purchasing products in their native language, underscoring the importance of language translation in consumer engagement and sales enhancement.
The exponential growth of e-commerce, further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, presents a valuable opportunity for businesses willing to invest in translation services. Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Payments and Commerce Market Intelligence illustrate the potential for sales in evolving markets such as Latin America and Southeast Asia.
ASTA-USA's founder, Alain J. Roy, stresses the pivotal role of professional translation in successfully entering and flourishing in non-English-speaking markets. He cautions against underestimating the nuances of language in translation, advising the use of skilled translators to avoid potentially damaging brand reputation while maximizing global market opportunities.
R. P.
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