sur Bioz, Inc.

Expanded Partnership between Bioz, Inc. and Gamry Instruments to Advance Scientific Research

Bioz, Inc., an AI software company based in Silicon Valley, highlights its growing partnership with Gamry Instruments, a specialist in electrochemical instrumentation. This partnership aims to enhance scientific research by providing real-time application data to Gamry's customers. Since its founding in 1989, Gamry has built a strong reputation in various research areas, including corrosion science, battery research, fuel cell development, and more.

The flagship product of this collaboration is the Bioz Badge, a dynamic widget displayed on Gamry's product pages. It offers a structured overview of product knowledge based on scientific publications and objective Bioz Stars scores. These scores, calculated using an algorithm that considers the number of mentions, citation recency, and journal impact, are intended to reflect the effectiveness of Gamry's products.

Chris Beasley from Gamry emphasizes the importance of the partnership with Bioz, which seamlessly integrated Bioz badges on their website, allowing customers to stay informed about the latest publications. Bioz, with its advanced AI search engine for life science experimentation, continues to play a crucial role in accelerating scientific discoveries by guiding scientists to the most validated products.

R. E.

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