sur B.R.A.I.N. Biotechnology Research And Information Network AG (isin : DE0005203947)

Exclusive Licensing Agreement Boosts BRAIN Biotech's Pharma Ventures

BRAIN Biotech AG has entered into an exclusive pharma licensing agreement with Akribion Therapeutics GmbH for its G-dase E® CRISPR-Cas technology. This agreement could yield up to EUR 92.3 million in R&D and milestone fees, plus additional royalties, by granting exclusive rights to Akribion for pharmaceutical use. Non-pharmaceutical rights remain with BRAIN Biotech for its core operations.

Akribion, led by new Co-CEOs Lukas Linnig and Dr. Michael Krohn, is supported by a venture capital consortium known for its pharma expertise. This partnership aims to advance innovative treatments, particularly in oncology, through the innovative G-dase E® technology. The agreement aligns with BRAIN Biotech's strategy to commercialize high-value projects while focusing on its main business areas.

R. P.

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