EXACOMPTA CLAIREFONTAINE Reports Strong Financial Results for 2023

EXACOMPTA CLAIREFONTAINE revealed its 2023 financial outcomes, displaying significant growth in revenue and operating income. For the year ended 31 December 2023, the company announced annual revenue of €843,249,000, an increase from 2022's €835,604,000. Operating income also saw a notable rise to €72,063,000 from €48,382,000 in the previous year. This financial improvement was attributed to a €10.5 million capital gain from the sale of real estate and €5.5 million in subsidies for electricity costs, alongside a recorded goodwill impairment charge of €11,996,000.

The report also documented performance across segments and geographical locations, highlighting a shift in the paper and processing industries. Despite a decrease in stationery demand across Europe and a downturn in the paper market, the company managed to maintain stable trade conditions and curb the decline in sales volume. The processing sector, though affected by declining sales and elevated energy costs, continued to deliver satisfactory margins.

Looking forward, EXACOMPTA CLAIREFONTAINE remains cautious about the business momentum amidst rising pulp market prices and expected increases in energy costs. The company closed the year with a strong financial position, proposing a dividend of €6.70 per share at the upcoming Ordinary General Meeting.

R. H.

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